Earth Protectors
Earth Protectors addresses our need to adapt as a species to the Anthropocene: the new era in which the impact of humans overwhelms natural cycles with fires, floods, pollution, super typhoons and a deadly virus. These challenges provide incontrovertible evidence for the necessity of systemic change. On Anne’s expeditions creating her art installations, she meets a new generation of women and men who are working to save our planet and is inspired by their commitment and their achievements.
Her narrative recounts the stories and the diversity of these young protagonists whom she calls “Earth Protectors”.
Meet the Earth Protectors
"The concept of Earth Protectors came gradually over time. The more I travelled, the more I would meet these remarkable people doing challenging and innovative things in often extreme environments. Through these experiences a pattern started taking shape: the life of these young people who loved their region and culture and were taking action to protect it. Their stories became bigger than the sole narrative of the art. They were also such a positive example for me that I decided they also could be for others. In the film I show very different types of Earth protectors, from different continents, who have completely different activities and range of action. I want you to know that anyone can become an Earth Protector. They are not victims; they are change makers. I would go as far as saying that in a time when a lot of people are investing in space research and travel, they, on the other hand, are looking for ways and solutions to save our planet. They have not given up; they have chosen Earth. I don’t see how we can not choose Earth."
Anne de Carbuccia
I want to take viewers on a journey and inspire them. I want them to realize that each and every one of us can become a positive geological force. Our daily thoughts and actions affect the planet as a whole, and that is empowering. It means that if mankind chooses to, we can change the future of our planet overnight.
Earth Protectors Manifesto | Ongoing Educational Project
Our students discover they can all become Earth Protectors!
By gathering and teaming up with students of all ages, we have undertaken a journey of discovery and learning. The purpose of this ongoing adventure is to answer key questions and contribute to creating a manifesto about how to become an Earth Protector and why it is fundamental for the future of humanity as well as for all species.